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About Stockdunia

He has completed Masters in Commerce (M.COM) and also completed Master of Business Administration (MBA) in accounting and finance. He has past experience in investment in stock market and still learning in investment advisory field of stock market. He believes that making money from stock market is very hard unless you don't have enough data, knowledge, experience, disciplines in investment. You have to spend lots of your valuable time to understand market trend ,economy and company analysis..
For this my most initiative to keep you informed with the data and facts that would impact your Investments as an investor and save your valuable time.
StockDunia is maintained and run by SEBI Registered Investment Advisor. The Advisory services will be provided based on technical and fundamental analysis to understand share market trend including sector and stock analysis.StockDunia is always with you to guide you in stock market and hence introduce different services for traders / investors.
The services include Intraday Equity tips on cash market as well future market. Nifty trader can trade in Nifty Future package. Those who do not work in stock future market but like to trade with nifty future or in equity market they can just simply opt for Nifty Future tips or NSE stock tips/equity cash market calls. In stock future segment its always recommended for minimum trading with high discipline. Those who are not comfortable with the NSE intraday calls they can go for delivery/ short term or swing trading calls with short to medium term holding period from one or three weeks or long term investment for time period 1 year to 5 years.All services as per risk profiling score eligibility .

Why Join With

From past experience it is found that there are lots of different classes of investors and their capital ,their investment objective, risk taking ability, past experience, time spending ability are different. Keeping all these factors in mind this it is important to provide different investment advisory services to different class of investors. Key benefits and opportunities are :
Can be accessed through a single login;
Accessible from anywhere with internet support;
Simple to understand with graph, data and simple language;
Save your time and efforts as the research and analysis will be done by StockDunia;
Guide you for making the right investment decision at right place;
Keeping you always one step ahead
Service will be offered at affordable price and stock tips will be from Rs 50 to Rs 1000 so that small /medium trader can also enjoy this service based on client's risk profiling. You will get stock market movement or nifty support and resistance daily that help you to understand the stock market condition at opening bell and you will also get Intraday stock trading tips with buying, selling level, target/price review range and with stop loss with follow up calls. In this service you will get intraday stock tips in equity market or stock future tips and these may include btst calls or stbt calls. Service also includes nifty future pack.In nifty future you will get long and short positional calls,intraday calls,btst calls or stbt calls.In cash market and stock future market calls may be intraday calls,delivery calls or stock trading calls/ stock trading tips at opening and during live market hours .You will also get nifty support , nifty resistance and nifty view with market movement. All calls will be sent by SMS only.


Generally accuracy depends on market condition and market is very much uncertain to predict. So accuracy may vary depends on market condition/volatility and it's very difficult to pre-determine the accuracy level. As per as the accuracy level is concern StockDunia will never mention any assure or guarentee against accuracy level of performance.